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We’ll determine cost of District Assembly elections by close of polls – EC

The Electoral Commission (EC) has said the Commission cannot currently disclose the cost of the District Assembly elections due to the cancellation of the referendum.

A Deputy Chairperson of the EC in charge of operations, Bossman Asare, however said the amount involved in the Assembly elections, without initial December 17 referendum plans will be available after close of polls tomorrow [Tuesday].

The Commission also says plans are far advanced for the District level elections across all 16 regions except for 3 electoral areas in the Nkoransa north and south in the Bono East Region and Lower Manya Krobo in the Eastern Region.

Addressing the press, a Deputy Chairperson of the Commission in charge of operations, Samuel Tetteh indicated that all security measures have been put in place and names of some flashpoints have been handed over to the police for additional security.

He further added that persons with disability must not be allowed to join long queues at the various centers.

On publicity about the exercise, he said enough radio and TV adverts have been done to sensitize  Ghanaians about the elections.

The Chamber for Local Governance (ChaLoG) had asked the EC to postpone the elections over its plans to compile a new biometric voters’ register ahead of the 2020 general elections.

According to the group, if the current register is not fit for use in the general elections then it cannot also be considered in the district assembly elections either.

In a statement, ChaLoG argued that both the district assembly elections and the general elections are of equal importance and as such, must be organized with one accepted register.

The Electoral Commission was hoping to organise three separate elections on December 17 including the referendum which sought to seek the approval of Ghanaians to amend Article 55(3) of the 1992 Constitution to allow political parties to sponsor candidates for local level elections.


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