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IDEG urges EC to resolve voters register stalemate

The Institute for Democratic Governance (IDEG) has called on all stakeholders to work together with the Electoral Commission (EC) to end the stalemate over the compilation of a new voters register for the December 2020 elections.
It has also urged the EC to elaborate its plans to hold the upcoming general elections fully within the COVID-19 context, with or without the prevailing restrictions.
It said barely six months to the December 2020 election, the country’s political arena had been hit by a profound political polarisation that appeared not to be amenable to any political mediation.
It pointed out that Ghana’s democracy had evolved and that the new register had the potential to be the ideal register if it was done in a manner that eliminated all the problems and mistrust associated with the current register.
It said driving the persistent disagreement was the entrenched and seemingly non-negotiable position of each party that victory or defeat in the 2020 elections would be critically dependent on which electoral roll was used, the existing one or the proposed one to be compiled by the EC.
The statement said what underpinned the impasse was the mutual suspicion based on the conspiracy theory that the existing or new register would be electorally favourable to one party and put the other at a huge disadvantage.