We need third force — PDM

The Chairman of the People’s Democratic Movement (PDM), Dr Kojo Opoku Aidoo, has called on the youth to rally behind the movement to build a third political force to redeem the nation of its issues of underdevelopment.
He said this was the time the youth needed an extraordinary effort and mobilisation to provide a strong opposition to the two main political forces and not just be political tools for the upcoming election.
At a public forum in Ho last Saturday, Dr Aidoo, who is a lecturer at the Department of African Studies, University of Ghana, Legon, said the problem of Ghana had been poor leadership that needed to be addressed to set the country on the right path.
It was on the theme: “The State of the Nation and the Need for a Radical Alternative”.
Two parties
Dr Aidoo said focusing on two political parties was not healthy for the development of the country.
Moreover, he said, the two main parties were not serving the interest of the nation but themselves.
A third political force, he said, had become very critical for the country.
The chairman of the PDM, however, admitted that it would not be easy changing the current trend.
“We are fighting very powerful people who have the support of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in addition to the local collaborators who govern our country today, so we need extraordinary effort and mobilisation to provide that credible opposition,” he said.
Dr Aidoo urged the youth to take the destiny of the country into their own hands and transform the country into what they wanted it to be.
Partners in development
The organiser of the PDM, Mr Phanuel Ayawli, encouraged the youth not to trade their identity for the foreign identity if they wanted to make progress.
“We must believe in our culture if we want to develop as a country,” he said.
Mr Ayawli said the vision of the movement was to develop Ghana into a modern nation that would possess real capacity to harness its natural resources for the upliftment of the people.
The Managing Editor of Public Agenda, Mr Zaya Yeebo, called on the youth to join the movement “because the government will not fear you if you are not active and strong”.