AG interdicts State Attorney over ‘Cash for Justice’ documentary

A Senior State Attorney, Lawrence Otoo-Boison implicated in a documentary produced by Starr FM’s Edward Adeti, for allegedly taking money to compromise justice, has been interdicted by the Attorney General.
The Attorney General, Ms Gloria Akuffo in a radio interview with Staff FM on Monday [November 4, 2019] said aside from the interdiction, the Legal Service Board was meeting at 2 pm on Monday over the next line of action to be meted out to the Senior State Attorney over the alleged misconduct.
In the documentary, Mr Otoo-Boison was captured advising a suspect, who is said to be on the wanted list of the International Police Organisation (INTERPOL), to run away from facing trial after taking a goat and cash from the suspect’s ‘agent’ to compromise the case.
The suspect, Mohammed Awal, is standing trial in the Upper East region for rape and is reportedly also wanted in Burkina Faso for alleged involvement in some other crimes.
Source: Fiilafmonline/Graphic